
Welcome to Photos In Time Blog. This is where I post upcoming events, sneak peeks, a little about my life, and anything else fun and exciting in the world of Photos In Time.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Over night photo trip

The locals

                                              First time at night shot
                            {long Exposure}

                                   The half Moon high in the sky
                             1245.5s - F11

                After the Moon set you could see more stars
                                1694.5s - F18

       These pictures are OK but next time I can do better.....
                              1036.4s -F3.5

                                                                  My camp

      I think the Locals would like for me to leave

                         Did you see the deer.

    By and don't come back...but never fear I will return.

1 comment:

natalia said...

Hi Dan, where were you? Mike will be following the deer!! Sometimes I like it when the cactus (main focus) is not in the center of the photo. The one with the stars that have circled is very cool, but maybe more of the circle with the cactus over more. law of thirds or something right? Just my thought!! Hope you guys are doing well!!